One of the quirks of the Interfolio platform where faculty members upload their documents for evaluations is that the files are uploaded to the platform by File Size NOT File Name. Often times resulting in documents that are out of the order desired by the faculty member.
Which is why it is recommended that faculty members upload documents in small batches, when more than one document is required in an any given review packet section. Smaller batches makes it easier to rearrange document order so that it reflects what is listed on your Table of Contents.
Documents uploaded by the faculty member to an active review packet can be rearranged one of two ways, either individually or in groups.
Due to a recent Interfolio update, uploaded documents can now be moved from one review packet section to another, either in groups or individually.
Similar to adding documents to an active review packet section, in order to rearrange documents you have to be logged into Interfolio and your current review packet must be in edit mode.
To get started scroll to whichever review packet section you want to change the document order for.

1. Move your mouse pointer over the document title until it becomes a "Grabby Hand"
If the mouse pointer is not the "grabby hand" graphic, this process will not work
2. While the mouse pointer is the "grabby hand" click and hold the title you want to move
A black rectangle will appear around the document you have selected.
3. Move document to new position
Keep the mouse clicked the entire time you are moving the document. The new position of the document will be outlined by a dashed rectangle
5. Repeat the process as needed
Similar to adding documents to an active review packet section, in order to rearrange documents you have to be logged into Interfolio and your current review packet must be in edit mode.
To get started scroll to whichever review packet section you want to change the document order for.
1. Move your mouse pointer over the document title until it becomes a "Grabby Hand"
If the mouse pointer is not the "grabby hand" graphic, this process will not work
2. Press the Ctrl button, keep the mouse as the "grabby hand", and click all titles you want to move
If you are a Mac user, press the Command button while doing this step.
The titles you click will appear to be grayed out, that will let you know visually which documents you have selected. To deselect something, press ctrl and click your mouse while your pointer is the "grabby hand"
3. Move selected titles to new position
To move your selected titles, go to any of the titles that look grayed out. Make sure that your mouse pointer is the grabby hand. Click your mouse and hold, then move your mouse up or down to new position.
The new position will be outlined in a dashed rectangle.