Recent updates
New Users: Adding Material to a Review Packet
Updated onArticleAfter you open your assigned review packet from either the "Home" or "Your Packets" screen in Interfolio it will default into "Overview Mode". There are several functions available while in "Overview Mode", which might be helpful when you are starting a new review, such as: The ability to View the Packet Instructions The ability to Preview the packet before submission *Most Importantly, the ability to put your packet in "Edit" mode to start adding materials This can be done by clicking either "packet" or "edit"
Interfolio Tutorial Guides Lecturer Faculty Evaluation Guide Adding Material to a Review Packet
Locating Your Interfolio Review Packet
Updated onArticleAfter Logging into Interfolio following one of the three options outlined in the Log-in tutorial, CSUF faculty undergoing review, by default, will be redirected to the "Home" page of their Interfolio User Profile. This screen is one of two ways that you can located and open your assigned review packets. The other option to locate and open your review packets is on the "Your packets" screen.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides Lecturer Faculty Evaluation Guide Finding your Assigned Interfolio Review Packet
Changing Order of Uploaded Documents
Updated onArticleOne of the quirks of the Interfolio platform where faculty members upload their documents for evaluations is that the files are uploaded to the platform by File Size NOT File Name. Often times resulting in documents that are out of the order desired by the faculty member. Which is why it is recommended that faculty members upload documents in small batches, when more than one document is required in an any given review packet section. Smaller batches makes it easier to rearrange document order so that it reflects what is listed on your Table of Contents. Documents uploaded by the faculty member to an active review packet can be rearranged one of two ways, either individually or in groups.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Faculty Guide Rearranging Document Order in Interfolio
Repeat Users: Adding Material to a New Review Packet
Updated onArticleAs a repeat Interfolio user, in addition to the methods for uploading documentation to review packets that new users have, Interfolio provides you with several more tools to accelerate uploading your required evaluation materials. In Interfolio these tools are listed as: "All Materials" "Packets" Packets in particular is useful to repeat Interfolio users because it allows you to pull materials that you have already submitted in previous evaluations into a new review packet.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Faculty Guide Adding Material to a Review Packet
New Users: Adding Material to a Review Packet
Updated onArticleAfter you open your assigned review packet from either the "Home" or "Your Packets" screen in Interfolio it will default into "Overview Mode". There are several functions available while in "Overview Mode", which might be helpful when you are starting a new review, such as: The ability to View the Packet Instructions The ability to Preview the packet before submission *Most Importantly, the ability to put your packet in "Edit" mode to start adding materials This can be done by clicking either "packet" or "edit"
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Faculty Guide Adding Material to a Review Packet
Locating Your Interfolio Review Packet
Updated onArticleAfter Logging into Interfolio following one of the three options outlined in the Log-in tutorial, CSUF faculty undergoing review, by default, will be redirected to the "Home" page of their Interfolio User Profile. This screen is one of two ways that you can located and open your assigned review packets. The other option Adding Material to a Review Packet to locate and open your review packets is on the "Your packets" screen.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Faculty Guide Finding Your Assigned Interfolio Review Packet
Log In Options
Updated onArticleTo Log in to Interfolio as a CSUF faculty member there are 3 options to choose from to initiate the process. Select whichever one is best suited for your preferences. All three options will eventually get you to the exact same place, the Login page for the Interfolio Platform, from there the process for logging in is universal regardless of which option you started with.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides Lecturer Faculty Evaluation Guide Logging Into Interfolio
Background Information
Updated onArticleAny employee hired as a "Temporary Faculty" under the Collective Bargaining Unit 3 is required to be periodically evaluated according to the criteria laid out in UPS 210.070. Faculty of this type can be classified as Full-time or Part-time, and are hired under contract that guarantees them work for one or more of the following time periods: a semester an academic year a full 12-month calendar year three-academic years three full 12-month calendar years. For "Temporary" or "Lecturer" Faculty that are hired under a semester, academic year, or full calendar year contract are required to be evaluated annually. The first evaluation occurs during the second semester of teaching after the initial hire or rehire date. For "Temporary" or "Lecturer" Faculty that are hired under a three academic year or three calendar year contract are required to be evaluated every three years. The evaluation occurs in the last semester the faculty member is working before the contract is scheduled to be renewed.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides Lecturer Faculty Evaluation Guide Evaluation Process Information
Sharing Copies of Faculty Rebuttals with DPC & Department Chair
Updated onArticleAs part of the RTP Evaluation Process, one of your responsibilities as the Dean is to provide copies of any rebuttals filed by the faculty members under review during the rebuttal stage for your review step. This responsibility is important for transparency during the evaluation and it can be done through the Interfolio platform. The Faculty Member under review will need to complete and upload a copy of FAR RTP Rebuttal Forms within the 10-calendar day rebuttal period that you established for your completed Performance Evaluation. If the rebuttal period was set up correctly, Interfolio will send you a notification to your inbox from California State University Fullerton from <[email protected]> when the faculty member under review uploads his or her completed rebuttal form. Once you receive that notification log into Interfolio, open the case and read what the faculty member's response was to the documentation that you shared.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 3: College Dean
Sharing Copies of the Dean’s Evaluation/Recommendation with Chair and DPC
Updated onArticleAs part of the RTP Process, one of your responsibilities as Dean is to share copies of your Evaluation/Recommendation statement with both the Candidate’s Department Chair and DPC, who reviewed them earlier in the evaluation process. This responsibility is important for transparency and to keep all levels of review informed of how each faculty member was assessed. As with all actions performed in the Interfolio platform, make sure that you are signed in, have located and opened the case(s) in which you are planning to work. If you have questions about how to perform any of the actions listed above, please refer to the earlier articles on those subjects. Log in options Finding your Assigned Interfolio Cases Currently there is no way within the Interfolio platform to perform this action simultaneously in multiple cases. This process will need to be performed individually in every assigned case.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 3: College Dean