A Post Tenure Review (PTR) is a periodic evaluation that is scheduled to occur every five years after the awarding of Tenure. Every PTR portfolio is due on or around October 1st at the beginning of every 5th academic year of employment.
*The only exceptions to this time frame are:
If a faculty member is on leave during the academic year they are scheduled to be evaluated
- The PTR portfolio will be due the next academic year
- If a faculty member is undergoing an RTP evaluation for Promotion to Professor
- If a Faculty member has entered the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP), however an appropriate administrator can still request a FERP faculty member to undergo a PTR
The process is governed by UPS 210.020. The purpose of this periodic evaluation is to be a "consultation of colleagues, whose aim should be the encouragement and maintenance of excellence; an acknowledgment of positive contributions made by tenured faculty; and a time to reflect on opportunities for growth and professional development."
Receiving the Case
After a case(s) have been forwarded will be notified by Interfolio via email that a case is ready for your review.
The email will look like the screen shot below. Click on the Sign-in button to be redirected to Interfolio.
Responsibilities for Review Step
- Login
- Evaluate the submitted material in each case for strengths and weakness in teaching, scholarship, and service.
Compose a Written Statement about the faculty member’s performance and future goals
- Please use the PTR Statement template provided by FAR
- Fulfilling the Required Document Section with the completed Written Statement by the deadline published in the annual PTR timetable
- Informing the Dean when the PTR Statement is completed and uploaded
FAR will not be creating binders this year, all paperwork that would normally have to go into the binder will be assigned as “Required Documents” at each review level. The process for satisfying these requirements will be discussed below