Recent updates
Conducting the Rebuttal Period Through Interfolio
Updated onChecklistAs part of the Lecturer Evaluation process each faculty member has the right to rebut the Performance Evaluation statement produced by the DPRC. This decision must be indicated by the faculty member using the FAR Lecturer Rebuttal form, and that form, along with any rebuttal statements must be uploaded to Interfolio using the process outlined below. It is the DPRC Committee Chair's responsibility to ensure that each faculty member under review in your department receives a copy of the appropriate documentation by the published deadline in the FAR Annual Lecturer Timetables. The Rebuttal Period lasts for 10 CALENDAR DAYS after a copy of the appropriate documentation is provided to the faculty member under review
Interfolio Tutorial Guides Lecturer Evaluation Evaluator Guide Chapter 3B: Departmental Review (DPRC)
Fulfilling the "Required Item" Condition for Each Case
Updated onArticleFAR has created new templates for Reviewers to use during the Departmental Review portion of the RTP Evaluation Cycle. Please use the appropriate form(s) for each RTP Review in the upcoming academic year. RTP Recommendation Report Form Abbreviated Review Form
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 2B: Departmental Review (DPC)
Evaluating Submitted Material
Updated onArticleAs a member of a review committee in the RTP Process, your primary objective in this role is to assess how well the documentation submitted in the RTP Portfolio demonstrates the Faculty's performance towards achieving tenure in comparison to the criteria published in UPS 210.000, UPS 210.002 , or approved Departmental Personnel Standards (DPS).To begin the evaluation process you will need to find the cases that are assigned to you as a reviewer. For a more in-depth description on how to that reference the earlier article on "Finding Your Assigned Cases". Otherwise there is a brief refresher down below. Once the assigned cases have been located, you will need to open each case to see what each individual submitted as evidence for his or her professional performance. Different types of RTP evaluations will have different amounts of submitted documentation, for a summary of these volumes please refer to the table provided in the "Review Step Introduction".After reading the submitted material and comparing it to the appropriate criteria in UPS 210.002 or the approved Departmental Standards, the review committee needs to write its separate Evaluation and Recommendation statements for the faculty member. Recommendations for each type of RTP Status is available on the Review Step Introduction please see that for details. *All RTP evaluations and recommendations need to be written on the appropriate FAR template.Recommendation Report TemplateAll evaluations and recommendations, also, need to be completed, uploaded to "required items" box in each Interfolio case, and shared with the faculty member under review (also known as the "candidate") by a specific date each annual cycle. Failure to accomplish all responsibilities for the review step by the published deadline will result in an email notification from the FAR office.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 2B: Departmental Review (DPC)
Review Step Introduction
Updated onArticleInterfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 4: Evaluator in a VP Position
Log In Options
Updated onArticleTo Log in to Interfolio as a CSUF faculty member there are 3 options to choose from to initiate the process. Select whichever one is best suited for your preferences. All three options will eventually get you to the exact same place, the Login page for the Interfolio Platform, from there the process for logging in is universal regardless of which option you started with.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 4: Evaluator in a VP Position
Finding your Assigned Cases in Interfolio
Updated onArticleAfter you log in to Interfolio you will be redirected to your Interfolio user home page, from where you can find the cases currently assigned to you as a reviewer
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 4: Evaluator in a VP Position
Evaluating Submitted Material
Updated onArticleAs a member of a review committee in the RTP Process, your primary objective in this role is to assess how well the documentation submitted in the RTP Portfolio demonstrates the Faculty's performance towards achieving tenure in comparison to the criteria published in UPS 210.000, UPS 210.002 , or approved Departmental Personnel Standards (DPS). To begin the evaluation process you will need to find the cases that are assigned to you as a reviewer. For a more in-depth description on how to that reference the earlier article on "Finding Your Assigned Cases". Otherwise there is a brief refresher down below. Once the assigned cases have been located, you will need to open each case to see what each individual submitted as evidence for his or her professional performance. Different types of RTP evaluations will have different amounts of submitted documentation, for a summary of these volumes please refer to the table provided in the "Review Step Introduction". After reading the submitted material and comparing it to the appropriate criteria in UPS 210.002 or the approved Departmental Standards, the review committee needs to write its separate Evaluation and Recommendation statements for the faculty member. Recommendations for each type of RTP Status is available on the Review Step Introduction please see that for details. *All RTP evaluations and recommendations need to be written on the appropriate FAR template. RTP Evaluation/Recommendation Template Abbreviated Review Template All evaluations and recommendations, also, need to be completed, uploaded to "required items" box in each Interfolio case, and shared with the faculty member under review (also known as the "candidate") by a specific date each annual cycle. Failure to accomplish all responsibilities for the review step by the published deadline will result in an email notification from the FAR office.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 4: Evaluator in a VP Position
Fulfilling the "Required Item" Condition for Each Case
Updated onArticleFAR has created a new templates for Deans to use during the VP's Review portion of the RTP Evaluation Cycle. Please use the appropriate form(s) for each RTP Review in the upcoming academic year. RTP Evaluation/Recommendation Form Abbreviated Review Form
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 4: Evaluator in a VP Position
Sharing Copies of the VP’s Evaluation/Recommendation with all previous review levels
Updated onArticleAs part of the RTP Process, one of your responsibilities as an evaluator is to share copies of your Evaluation/Recommendation statement with all the review levels who reviewed them earlier in the evaluation process. This responsibility is important for transparency and to keep all levels of review informed of how each faculty member was assessed. As with all actions performed in the Interfolio platform, make sure that you are signed in, have located and opened the case(s) in which you are planning to work. If you have questions about how to perform any of the actions listed above, please refer to the earlier articles on those subjects. Log in options Finding your Assigned Interfolio Cases Currently there is no way within the Interfolio platform to perform this action simultaneously in multiple cases. This process will need to be performed individually in every assigned case.
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 4: Evaluator in a VP Position
Conducting the Rebuttal Period Through Interfolio
Updated onChecklistAs part of the RTP Evaluation process each faculty member has the right to rebut the Evaluation/Recommendation composed by the Dean. This decision must be indicated by the faculty member using the FAR RTP Rebuttal Form, and that form, along with any rebuttal statements must be uploaded to Interfolio using the process outlined below. It is the Dean's responsibility to ensure that each faculty member under review in your department receives a copy of the appropriate documentation by the published deadline in the FAR Annual RTP Timetables. The Rebuttal Period lasts for 10 CALENDAR DAYS after a copy of the appropriate documentation is provided to the faculty member under review
Interfolio Tutorial Guides RTP Evaluation Reviewer Guide Chapter 4: Evaluator in a VP Position