FAR has created a new templates for Reviewers to use during the Departmental Review portion of the RTP Evaluation Cycle. Please use the appropriate form(s) for each RTP Review in the upcoming academic year.
Uploading the Completed Department Chair Evaluation & Recommendation to the "Required Items" box
To find where the required document needs to be uploaded, look in one of two places:
- For the number next to the “Case Details” tab in each case, then click “Case Details”
- Scroll down to where a box with a purple exclamation is located then click “view”
The "Case Details" Page
The Instructions Box
After clicking one of the options listed above, read the instructions available for each review step
These instructions will tell you what is expected of you, provide links to useful resources, and list the deadline by which the case must be forwarded to the next review level
NOTE: Make sure to click on the ">" next to "Instructions to expand the section and read the available instructions for your review level if it is not already expanded
The Required Items Box
Just below the instructions box is the "required items" box where you will upload the required documents for this review step
The required document must be uploaded through this SPECIFIC DIALOG BOX. Simply adding the document to the internal case section specified in the instructions WILL NOT SATISFY the REQUIREMENT
To upload the Department Chair Evaluation & Recommendation, Click "+Add" for each item
This process is going to have to be repeated for each separate document
Click "Browse to Upload"
Make sure to stay on or select "Upload a new file" so that you can select a document from your personal document storage

Select your document
This document should come from your personal document storage or from a trusted cloud based document storage service:
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
Give your performance evaluation a CLEAR and LOGICAL naming convention, for example "Dept Chair Evaluation_Titan" if this document is going into Tuffy Titan's Interfolio case
Leave the selected section as "Evaluation Documents"
At this point of the Performance Evaluation upload, you can change the title of the document if you wish to.
Check to make sure the upload was successful
Checking the successful completion of the task can be done in one of two places:
Correcting Mistakes
If you add your documents to the Interfolio packet before uploading them through the required items box you can satisfy the requirements by going through the add process outlined above, but choosing the option "select files from case" instead of "upload new file"
If a mistake was made or you need to make a change to the document that you uploaded to the Required Items Box.
Step 1: Click the pencil
Step 2: Then select the option from the drop-down menu that best suits your needs
If you remove the document from the requirement or delete it, a new document will have to be uploaded BEFORE the case can be forwarded