Faculty Affairs and Records

Conducting the Rebuttal Period Through Interfolio

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As part of the RTP Evaluation process each faculty member has the right to rebut the separate Evaluation and Recommendation produced by the Department Chair.

This decision must be indicated by the faculty member using the FAR RTP Rebuttal Form, and that form, along with any rebuttal statements must be uploaded to Interfolio using the process outlined below.

It is the Department Chair's responsibility to ensure that each faculty member under review in your department receives a copy of the appropriate documentation by the published deadline in the FAR Annual RTP Timetables.

The Rebuttal Period lasts for 10 CALENDAR DAYS after a copy of the appropriate documentation is provided to the faculty member under review

In the Departmental Review Stage of the RTP Process, there are 2 rebuttal stages:

The only exception to the 10-calendar day time frame is when the 10th calendar day falls on a weekend or holiday.  In this case push the deadline to the next day that the campus would be open for business.

If the faculty member does not submit the completed rebuttal response form within the time-frame given they are NOT allowed to do so through an outside email NOR are extensions to be given.

Stage #1: Chair Evaluation

As with all actions performed in the Interfolio platform, make sure that you are signed in, have located and opened the case(s) in which you are planning to work.  

If you have questions about how to perform any of the actions listed above, please refer to the earlier articles on those subjects.

Currently there is no way within the Interfolio platform to perform this action simultaneously in multiple cases.  This process will need to be performed individually in every assigned case.

Stage #1: Message Template

Once you as the Department Chair have uploaded your evaluation statement it is time to share it with the Candidate.  You are no longer responsible for sharing copies of the DPC's documentation with the Candidate.  That responsibility lies with the DPC Chair

Dear Professor [insert name],

Your rebuttal period for the the Department Chair's Evaluation has been initiated.  Above this message is a button that will allow you to see the document that has been shared with you. You will need to log into Interfolio, open your most recently submitted review packet, and within that review, packet click the tab labeled "Shared Committee Files".

You will be able to see and read all the documents shared with you under "Shared Committee Files". Please indicate whether or not you would like to submit a rebuttal using the RTP Rebuttal Form provided by FAR, as your "Response" to the files shared with you. If you wish to submit a rebuttal statement, please follow the instructions for doing so on the rebuttal form.

* Only one document can be uploaded in response to the documentation listed under the "Shared Committee Files" tab.  This document can be multiple pages, must include a completed copy of the rebuttal form provided by FAR, and it cannot exceed 100 MB.

You have until [insert date] to file a "response" to the files shared with you under "Shared Committee Files". Once this deadline has passed on [insert date], the rebuttal window will be closed. Rebuttal statements NOT filed using this method through Interfolio or after the deadline listed will not be accepted.

Resources: FAR Tutorial for submitting a response during a rebuttal Period


[insert name]

Department Chair  

Click to copy

Stage #1 Process

Click the arrows ">" to expand the sections and see the screenshots

Stage #2: Chair Recommendation

As with all actions performed in the Interfolio platform, make sure that you are signed in, have located and opened the case(s) in which you are planning to work.  

If you have questions about how to perform any of the actions listed above, please refer to the earlier articles on those subjects.

Currently there is no way within the Interfolio platform to perform this action simultaneously in multiple cases.  This process will need to be performed individually in every assigned case.

Stage #2: Message Template

Once you as the Department Chair have uploaded your SEPARATE Recommendation Statement to each Interfolio case it is time to share it with the candidate

Click to copy

Dear Professor [insert name],

Your rebuttal period for the Department Chair's Recommendation has been initiated. Above this message is a button that will allow you to see the documents that have been shared with you. You will need to log into Interfolio, open your most recently submitted review packet, and within that review, packet click the tab labeled "Shared Committee Files".

You will be able to see and read all the documents shared with you under "Shared Committee Files". Please indicate whether or not you would like to submit a rebuttal using the RTP Rebuttal Form provided by FAR, as your "Response" to the files shared with you. If you wish to submit a rebuttal statement, please follow the instructions for doing so on the rebuttal form.

* Only one document can be uploaded in response to the documentation listed under the "Shared Committee Files" tab.  This document can be multiple pages, must include a completed copy of the rebuttal form provided by FAR, and it cannot exceed 100 MB.

You have until [insert date] to file a "response" to the files shared with you under "Shared Committee Files". Once this deadline has passed on [insert date], the rebuttal window will be closed. Rebuttal statements NOT filed using this method through Interfolio or after the deadline listed will not be accepted.

Resources: FAR Tutorial for submitting a response during a rebuttal Period


[insert name]

Department Chair

Stage #2 Process

Click the arrows ">" to expand the sections and see the screenshots

You are done. Great job!

Previous Article Fulfilling the "Required Item" Condition for Each Case
Next Article Sharing Copies of Faculty Rebuttals with DPC