Faculty Affairs and Records

How to Forward your Cases to the Next Review Level

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As an RTP Reviewer there are 2 methods to move submitted RTP Portfolios to the next review level, by the annual deadline published in the FAR evaluation time tables.

Once cases are forwarded in the RTP cycle the review committees who had access to the case will lose it as the case continues on its journey.

Method #1: Moving cases forward on an individual basis

After logging in, click on an individual faculty name to open a case that has been assigned to you as a reviewer using the methods described in the earlier article about how to find your assigned cases:

  1. Search for them on your “Home” page
  2. Search for them under “Cases” using either
    1. The search box
    2. The filter options  

Option #1: Home Screen

Home - Interfolio - Google Chrome

Option #2: Cases Screen

Cases - Review, Promotion & Tenure - Interfolio - Google Chrome

Once you have opened the individual case that you want to forward complete the following steps:

1. Click the blue “send case” button at the top right-hand corner of the screen

Candidate Profile: Tuffy Titan - Review, Promotion & Tenure - Interfolio - Google Chrome

2. Click the “Forward To FAR Confirmation” option from the drop-down menu

Candidate Profile: Tuffy Titan - Review, Promotion & Tenure - Interfolio - Google Chrome

3. On the Interfolio message interface keep the "send message” option checked and fill in the required parts of the message

Candidate Profile: Tuffy Titan - Review, Promotion & Tenure - Interfolio - Google Chrome

4. Click “Continue”

Candidate Profile: Tuffy Titan - Review, Promotion & Tenure - Interfolio - Google Chrome
Method #2: Moving multiple cases forward at the same time

Please NOTE: this method for moving cases forward is very useful if the Interfolio server is slow in opening up individual cases or if the Send Case button is non-responsive


1. Use the Filter options to find all cases that are assigned to you

2. To forward multiple cases you, as the reviewer, have two options:

  1. Forward all cases assigned to you by clicking the checkbox at the top of the filtered search results
  2. Forwarding groups of cases (but not all) by clicking the check-boxes next to names of faculty members  

3. Click “Send Forward”

All required documents have to be uploaded for all selected cases before this step can be completed

4. On the Interfolio message interface keep the "send message” option checked and fill in the required parts of the message

5. Click “Send”

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